Listing Marketing

We’re masters of multichannel marketing.

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The most powerful home marketing strategy is one that creates demand for your property, attracting many buyers to compete for your listing. Drawing on years of marketing experience and proven results, we’ll create an integrated multimedia marketing strategy that’s custom-designed for your home. It combines online media, mobile marketing, social media, print advertising and marketing, and industry networking. Our expert approach to promoting your property is built on Brown Harris Steven’s longtime skill for exceptional, breakthrough marketing.

Digital Marketing


90% of home buyers start their search online.

Our digital marketing strategy makes sure your home gets seen … and it captures their interest. The moment we have professional photographs of your property, we’ll quickly turn them into striking marketing elements — then deploy them in highly strategic ways. Not only will we draw on our set of proprietary email lists to get your home seen, but each component of the plan is designed for easy social sharing — to help spread the word that your property’s on the market.

Property Website

Your dedicated website will include professional photography, optional video and floorplan, as well as a map and compelling description of your home.

Property E-Magazine

We can produce an eight-page online magazine filled with vibrant images, plus a written description of your home, and email it to our list of active brokers and buyer prospects.

E-Mail Campaigns

We’ll send an instant alert to our industry lists, including all Pacific Union International agents and the top-producing agents at other firms in the area. We’ll follow up by emailing our proprietary list of active buyers.

Mobile Marketing


On-the-Go Mobile Marketing

Most real estate companies talk about the online marketing they do for your home. We do that, too. But what separates us from the rest is our major focus on the fast-growing mobile consumer. With 1.8 billion people accessing the web from mobile devices and 51% of mobile phone users making their device their primary Internet source, it’s critical to make sure your home’s marketing looks good and functions well on a mobile device. We’ll get your home noticed by mobile-searching buyers by creating: 


According to NAR, 45% of home buyers used a mobile site or app to search for their new home. 22% of them found the home they purchased on their mobile device. We’ll design your home’s mobile site to deliver an optimal viewer experience for mobile searchers — one that includes photos and descriptive text, and allows them to call or email your agent with one tap. When buyers are near your home, they can locate it via a GPS search on our mobile website.


We will assign a custom text code home buyers can use to access your home’s mobile site. We’ll include this code on all marketing for your property so buyers can instantly pull up information about your home.

Print Marketing


A Powerful Print Showcase

Our in-house marketing team will combine professional photography and compelling copywriting to create impressive pieces that keep your property top-of-mind with buyers. Home seekers consult many sources. We stay on their radar by investing in promotion for your listing on an array of channels including aggressive print advertising. Brown Harris Stevens advertises nearly every week in the New York Times to capture the attention of local buyers. 

Property brochure

Our marketing experts will produce a vibrant full-color property brochure highlighting the unique features of your home. It will include both your property website URL and its exclusive text code, so mobile buyers can get more information and additional pictures of your home.

Direct mail

We’ll send a full-color postcard announcing the availability of your property to our prospective buyers and proprietary contact lists. It will include your property web address and text codes.


Newspaper and magazine advertising is one of many ways to attract buyers to your home. To launch your listing, we’ll advertise it in the New York Times. On an ongoing basis, we choose properties we think will generate immediate interest among active buyers and cross-promote other similar listings.

Global Marketing

Our homes speak 20 languages.


Your buyers could be across the globe and we have the connections to find them.

Today, the world is a smaller, closer place. It’s easy for buyers with means to live or invest anywhere — and New York City ranks high on international wish lists. To reach this rich pool of buyers, you need a brokerage whose international relationships are real and actively cultivated — not just links on the web. To bring your property to the attention of international buyers, Brown Harris Stevens maintains relationships with a group of the finest real estate brokers in the world—brokers who turn to us as trusted guides for both acquiring New York City area properties and showcasing extraordinary international properties locally. Our sole focus is to leverage these connections to bring your property to the attention of the most qualified buyers around the world.