Tips to Maximize Your Home Sale in 2023

Is 2023 the year you finally list your home and begin looking at Manhattan or Brooklyn homes that better fit your family’s needs? The real estate market is thriving, and now is a great time to sell your home. When you follow these tips, you can maximize your home sale and use the equity toward the home of your dreams.

Work with an Experienced Manhattan or Brooklyn Realtor

With changes happening at a rapid pace due to the pandemic, it’s more important than ever to work with a professional real estate agent who understands how to effectively sell a home in this type of environment. Though it will cost you to hire a real estate agent to sell your property (realtors charge anywhere from 5-6% of the selling price), you’ll likely save money in the long run when you figure in time, energy, and the higher offers you’ll get with the guidance of a professional.

Set a Fair Price

Manhattan and Brooklyn are currently a balanced market, which means there is approximately the same number of buyers as there is an inventory on the market. In this type of market, it’s important to set a fair price that’s competitive but will help you profit as much as possible from the sale of your Manhattan or Brooklyn home. To set a fair price, have your Manhattan or Brooklyn realtor do a comparative market analysis, which helps them estimate the value of your property by looking at similar homes on the market in the same area that has recently sold. While there are a number of factors that go into estimating the fair market value of a home, a comparative market analysis is one of the best ways to determine a reasonable price.

Market it Online

Since the pandemic hit, a vast majority of potential buyers are finding the Manhattan or Brooklyn homes they are interested in online. This means it’s more important than ever to have high-quality, professional imagery and videography of your home to create an appealing marketing campaign that includes a virtual tour, social media ad campaign, and landing pages that effectively capture leads. Make sure you build these important items into your budget and choose a Manhattan or Brooklyn realtor who is experienced in online marketing and has access to the tools you’ll need to market your home online.

Invest in Pandemic-Friendly Upgrades

Though life is slowly getting back to normal, the pandemic has fundamentally changed the way that most people live and work. That means their needs are changing when it comes to Manhattan or Brooklyn homes they are interested in buying. Dedicated home office space, ample outdoor amenities conducive to entertaining and relaxing, and private spaces that help family members claim their own areas are all on the wish lists of current buyers.

To make sure your home is competitive when you list it, consider making some upgrades if your home doesn’t currently have these and other pandemic-friendly features. If you choose the right project with a high ROI, you’ll get back almost all of what you put into your renovations, as well as increase your chances of selling your home quickly—and for the price, you’re asking.

Keep an Eye on Curb Appeal

We’ve all heard the saying, “you only get one chance to make a first impression,” and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to selling Manhattan or Brooklyn homes. Even if most prospective buyers are looking at your home online first, you still need to put effort into how the exterior looks, as those will likely be the first pictures people view. Once buyers narrow down their options and take the next step to see your home in person, curb appeal will take on even more importance.

Before you get photos taken, reserve some time to paint the front door, set out some attractive potted plants, and ensure your lawn is trimmed and tidy. If you want to go the extra mile, hire a professional landscaper who can add some hardscaping or other attractive features to help your home shine before buyers even enter the front door.

Work with a Professional Stager

Staging is the process of strategically placing furniture and décor in your home to maximize space and highlight your home’s unique features. A professional stager is trained in how to do this effectively. He or she will likely advise that you remove a portion of your belongings from your home, take down any personal effects like family photos, and may even suggest you bring in outside furniture or décor. The stager will also ensure that the Manhattan or Brooklyn homes they work in have rooms that are each designated for a specific purpose. For example, if you have a spare room that has served as storage or an all-purpose room, the stager may redesign into a dedicated home office or a guest bedroom. This allows potential buyers to really picture themselves living in your home and visualize how their lives might look in each room.

Negotiate the Best Offer

If you’ve done your prep work correctly and priced your home fairly, you will likely get multiple offers on your home. Your Manhattan or Brooklyn realtor will help you evaluate these offers and decide which is best. Keep in mind that the highest offer is not always the clear winner since there may be contingencies involved. Contingencies allow buyers to back out of a deal under certain circumstances, such as if their financing falls through, if their current home does not sell, or the home inspection turns up any issues. Offers may also include other stipulations, such as requiring you to pay for some or all closing costs.

Ready to sell your home? Reach out to professional real estate agents like Travis Pham & William Mascio to maximize your profit and ensure a stress-free process.

Tips & AdviceTravis Pham